"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." -Peter F. Drucker
What are values? I believe their intrinsic nature causes this definition to be relative to each person. Each person can say that they hold core values, but these values vary hugely from person to person, and this affects the way in which people carry out and live by those values.
For me, I closely identify with those four values that AOII's Object exhorts us to "stand at all times for:" character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty.
Character is paramount when I examine what values I hold. To me, having "character"is the essence of being a good person. A person with "character" has a vibrant, warm personality; is someone who is multi-faceted yet never two-faced, and is always true to themselves. I strive to build my character every day. I believe character also encompasses having a strong moral compass and the ability to sacrifice one's own needs or wants for those of others. It means striving for the best in every area of life, without making excuses for yourself. It isn't something you either have or don't have-- people have varying degrees of character. One can even have poor character! I try to build a good character through putting others ahead of myself and building good rapport with everyone I meet!.Sometimes it's difficult to do, but I feel that every attempt to do good is a step in the right direction! :)
Dignity can sound haughty at first. But I believe that self-confidence and consciousness of self are products of dignity. Dignity, to me, means holding oneself above normal standards and constantly setting (and reaching!) new goals. Having the self-respect that comes from dignity can lead someone to make better choices for both themselves and their community. One values their choices and opportunities more when one has the dignity to objectively weigh decisions both for themselves and whomever those decisions would affect.
Scholarship has always been hugely important throughout my entire life! (Maybe that's a product of having an English professor for a mother!) But, truly, knowledge is so important to being able to make a true impact on the world. Anyone can go and sit in any class and get a passing grade, but learning for the sake of learning can expand your world exponentially! I find that so important, especially as an international business major. We live in a rapidly expanding, globalizing world, and we have to expand our own comfort boundaries and spheres of experience if we want to keep up, let alone make a positive difference!
As for college loyalty, well, who wouldn't want to be a Buckeye?? :)
One more value that I hold very near and dear is that of honesty. I'm all for keeping your cards close to your heart, but I believe you have to have a certain truthfulness and transparency of motive to trust you, and therefore respect you and ultimately like you as a person. Honesty goes so far beyond simply telling a lie. If you're lying to cover up your actions, honesty is the virtue that leads us to ask why, if we have to lie about it, did we do what we did in the first place? Honestly can be, in this sense, actively avoiding dishonesty. If you never do or become involved in anything which you would have to lie about, then, in effect, you are an honest person! Having the integrity to stand behind your deeds and words (and have no qualms about it!) makes you an honest person.
And, honestly, I believe what I've mentioned here forms a neat umbrella over all I try to do and be in my life! :)
I really thought reflecting on your sorority's values and how they reflect in your own life was interesting, however I wish we had seen some original values too!